memor I am

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tonight you won't see anything else than the end of a roadmovie.

Inspired by the brutal beauty of the final scene of 'Bonnie & Clyde' and the constant presence of a very short but intense filmic moment we physically ask ourselves:

Where to put all the memories of insisting historic or filmic scenes we have never experienced by ourselves, but that have already kept haunting us in the night?

Where to put all these endless pictures of perfectly staged, merciless and tragicomic moments that are somehow never completely comprehensible and can’t be torned out of our brains?

What now, if one of these moments would be disproportionaly elongated, so that actors and audience all had to hold out and undergo it?

Please lean back and enjoy the longest three seconds our bodies will squeeze out especially for you.

press & quotes
“For over half an hour they act the tremor of bodies that get tossed around by the bullets, formed into grotesque movements. But it never gets monotone and cynical in its cruelty. For their performance gives a physical echo to the images, once set into the world, as if they replay the scene for everyone who has ever seen the movie, and so sum up all the accumulated violence.”
(Katrin Bettina Müller, taz Berlin, 05.01.2009)

„Dieser eine Moment grausamer Schönheit erscheint unendlich und zieht die Zuschauer so in seinen Bann, dass Minuten danach noch der Schock auf den Gesichtern zu lesen ist.“
(Rebekka David, Leipziger Volkszeitung, 13.05.2011)

Das verstörendste Stück ist vielleicht von Lea Martini, Dennis Deter und Anja Müller – MEMOR I AM – die Schlussszene von „Bonnie and Clyde“. „Bonnie and Clyde“ werden erschossen. Und 30 Minuten diese Schlussszene. Ein wahnsinniger furioser Akt der Zerstörung. Aber auch Reflexion auf diesen cineastischen Vorgang, der sich in unsere Köpfe eingebrannt hat. Das ist großartig.“
(Martin Heering, Kurator des LOFFT Leipzig, in einem MDR-Radiointerview zur Tanzoffensive Leipzig 2011)

choreography/performance: Lea Martini, Dennis Deter, Anja Müller 
flyer, set/costume design: Theresia Knevel 
light: Benjamin Schälike
co-produced and supported by TANZTAGE Berlin and AHK Amsterdam

past performances: 2011: Tanzoffensive Lofft/Leipzig 2010: Amnesty International Human Rights Art Festival/Washington DC, Theaterszene Europa/Köln, Malmöfestivalen/Palladium Malmö 2009: Opening of Tanztage Berlin/Sophiensaele, Melkweg Theatre /Amsterdam, SMOK, Unithea Festival Slubice/Poland, Theater im Depot/off-limits Festival Dortmund
